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litter bug是什么意思

发布时间:2021-02-10 作者: 英语查

litter bug 是什么意思


litter:    n. 1.担架,舁床;轿舆。 2.(兽类睡眠用的)褥草, ...
bug:    n. 1.〔英国〕臭虫;〔美口〕虫,昆虫。 2.〔口语〕 ...


1.The litter bug , miss super clean , the siu pak to and relevant posters

2.Sally : hey ! why did you throw that bag onto the grass ? ! you litter bug
莎莉?嘿!你怎么把袋子丢在草地上! ?你这个乱丢垃圾的人!

3.The litter bug set off for london to help promote the keep westminster clean campaign

4.The clean hong kong logo , new design of litter bug and the poster featuring the return of the litter bug

5.The clean hong kong logo , new design of litter bug and the poster featuring the return of the litter bug

6.The mascot of the litter bug was put up in the venue of the launching ceremony in august 1972 and the keep hong kong clean logo

7.In 1980 , the westminster city council of london invited our litter bug to the city to help promote the keep westminster clean campaign

8.After a tight schedule of preparation , the publicity and educational activities commenced in august 1972 . the then governor , lord maclehose officiated the kick - off ceremony in october 1972 at the statue square , central where a gigantic mascot of the litter bug was put up . the campaign was the joint effort of the then urban council ( uc ) and several government departments

9.After a tight schedule of preparation , the publicity and educational activities commenced in august 1972 . the then governor , lord maclehose officiated the kick - off ceremony in october 1972 at the statue square , central where a gigantic mascot of the litter bug was put up . the campaign was the joint effort of the then urban council and several government departments

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